Thursday, June 10, 2010

2 for 1

So I guess I kind of have a double post so I will start now.


So I woke up yesterday at the normal time and got to school on time.

It started with the Spanish final which was really easy compared to what I expected. I mean I still guessed a lot, but the listening section was way easier than normal and it seemed to go by fast (even though it took nearly an hour and a half).

I then had my Math final. I was kind of hard, but easier than expected. The one big think was that it took me nearly the entire two hours to finish the final. So I guess I either got an 80-90 on it.

So that was all over I went into downtown of my small town and gent to this small Persian market and got a really good falafel sandwich and Gormeh Sabzi, which is umm well I have no idea what it was, but it had beef and some weird vegetable, but it was good-ish. And on the way back home I stopped by this local café and got a blackberry-strawberry Italian soda.

I then walked home and ate. When I was done, I started studying for my English and Science finals. I studied till 12. The quote list that I did for English focuses mainly on the first prompt which is about how the past always comes back, and my second list was smaller and was less detailed, but it did have a quote list for it. I will describe the prompt later.

So while studying I also watched Kathy Griffin’s new special, Kathy Griffin Does the Bible Belt, it was really funny as usual. I also watched the Glee finale, which you know I loved so much, but I will not spoil ANYTHING for anyone.

At 1 I went on the GYC and saw I got a message from this one kind of cute guy from SF, who wants me to call him Rik. We talked about umm well I forget, but at 1:30 I just died and fell asleep.


So I woke up a little later than normal, really tired and sick. And I then went to school.

So it was English first and we started with my teacher joking as usual, and then we were given the prompts. They were two, number two and number three. I chose umber two which was, what do cultural collisions reveal about the main character? So I started writing, and it was a pretty bad essay, but I was able to find one great section of the novel that worked perfectly and it was the keystone of my entire essay, I mean it was still bad but I should do better than most of my essays.

After the essay, I then moved onto the Grammar and Vocabulary test which was surprisingly easy seeing how I barley studied for it. I finished with sometime left so I went and finished my Science note card for the Final.

Class then ended and I hung out in my ex-science teacher’s room, making her listen to Glee even though she finds the show “immoral”, but that is because the first episode she saw was “Preggers” a VERY immoral episode for the illegitimate baby storyline. But there was this girl in there that I know and we talk about musicals and Glee a lot, so I talked to her about the finale. We both loved it.

So I then went to my Science class and took the final. I took me around 50 minutes to do the 133 questions, but I think I did well, and I was happy. With all the time left I got to Skype wit Nic a bit, but we stopped because he signed off and I was walking home anyways.

So before I left I went to my math class to see my final grade. I have an 88.06% which is a B+; I was so close to an A-!

Well I then walked home and just doing stuff online. Then Jake came online and I started to talk to him. It was a really interesting conversation, but what it really showed me was how the community I live in really is a bubble, and part of it burst during that conversation. I really saw how my community is a little screwed up because it keeps away reality, which is both good and bad.

When I finished talking to Jake, Rik started texting me again and we have basically been texting all day. And something he said was that I was adorable after he watched the Spanish video I made.

So I had some deliciously spicy Thai food that was just so good. And after eating the Thai food So You Think You Can Dance started and I was hooked for the next two hours. OMG I am still so happy they opened up a new spot for Billy Bell. I just love him and he is so cute.

Well it is getting late and I am tired so this is it, goodnight.

Life Putters and Wanders,


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