Wednesday, May 12, 2010

STAR Testing: Day 1 of 2

Well today my alarm actually worked, so I think applause, or cheers, or a striptease are in order. So yeah bad joke, whatever, so I got up made breakfast and left for school.

When I got there I found my seat and started with the World History portion of the STAR test, and I am happy to say I did well (I think). And doing well, and actually remembering shit, means I might actually do well on the SAT for the class AND my final for it (of course the week after I take the SAT)

The second STAR test I took was the math one for Algebra II, and I did absolutely no review and guessed a hell of a lot of the time, but I think I at least got Advanced, but yeah I just did a lot of guessing so I am not expecting too much.

I then went hoem and watched QAF for a while, did some homework and finally decided to watch the Greyson Michael Chance cover of “Paparazzi” that has started to circulate around the internet, and he is amazing, I downloaded it onto my iPod Touch and it is most likely going to be added to my current playlists a bunch of times so I hear it a lot.

So yeah that was my day, really not that interesting,

I think tomorrow might be a little more because we have weightlifting and usually something happens there.

Life Putters and Wanders,


1 comment:

SHIT! People actually read this blog, okay talk about it here!