Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Boring Mellow Day (Edited)

Edit: nearly forgot to add a picture to the post

Today was a little boring. Lots of homework with not so much fun.

I woke up at 8 and read tweet for an hour while feeding and letting the dogs out. I then did some naughty stuff for two hours.

I then had brunch while watching this week’s SNL. That was the followed by working on homework until 5.

After that I watched some QAF until my parents got home with a fuck load of food from their party and it is good food!

So yeah today was boring and mellow.

Life Putters and Wanders,


P.S. Holy shit I never knew how true my ending line is, and I just cannot believe I thought of it myself!

1 comment:

  1. Two hours?? I can't make my naughty stuff last that long. You must have real talent!


SHIT! People actually read this blog, okay talk about it here!